Foodie Friends - Cake or Mistake?

Cardiff Journalism School student, Helen, is a self-confessed newbie when it comes to blogging and is more than a little bit obsessed with cake. First in the Foodie Friends series, Helen tells us a bit more about her blog, "Cake or Mistake?"

Strawberry Sponge with Cream - photo by H. Glaberson

When did you begin blogging and why?
I've always really enjoyed baking, so when our online lecturer at Cardiff suggested that we all start a niche blog I thought it was the perfect way to combine the two things I love doing (the caking making and writing). I started last September (2009) and have been addicted ever since.

What is the essence of your blog?
My blog aims to make me - and others more adventurous with our recipes by trying out weird and interesting ones that aren't the 'norm', such as the chocolate chilli cake and sweet potato cake. I found before I started the blog I'd always make the same two or three types of cakes because I was scared if I tried anything new it would go wrong. My blog tries out these risky recipes so the cautious bakers out there can see how it went for me first - I tell them whether to bother or not.

Why do you enjoy blogging?
I love being really creative and this is a great way to do this as blogging is free from all the usual tight restrictions that are put on you as a journalist, like word count, advertising, fitting with the
publication.. Also people from around the world can read your stuff and vice versa it's a great way to share ideas.

Where is your favourite foodie place in Cardiff?
I love the welsh cake shop down by Cardiff bay - they're freshly baked and delicious.


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